A synodal process began in the Catholic Church in October 2021 and culminates in the Synod Gathering of Bishops in Rome in October 2023 and October 2024. The overall theme is 'For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission'.
The Synod focuses on many of the same areas we are hoping to renew through the Diocesan Vision, and so we are using the outcomes of the Synodal process to continue to grow as a diocese that is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour.
To support and mobilise all in the diocese to become true missionary disciples.
We are called to be a Catholic diocese which is:faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christfull of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith,joyful in their service of God and neighbour
Archbishop Bernard Longley invites parishes, clusters and deaneries to reflect together on our great gift of faith, and as with the Synodal pathway, to meet and look to our future.
Archbishop Bernard asks us to look, within our parishes, clusters and deaneries, at how we can share our resources and to look at what we are called to do within evangelisation, formation, liturgy and worship and social outreach, and how we can more effectively follow that pattern with the mandate given to us by the Lord Himself to be the church in any given place.
The deaneries have been asked to review the things that work well, as well as the things that are not working so well within the deanery and its parishes, to create a plan around the four areas of focus to ensure that we can nurture and create vibrant, missionary communities of faith.
We have a mandate given to us by Our Lord to spread the good news and serve and grow the faith for the coming decade and beyond.
Pope Francis is encouraging us to do something new to help us achieve this.
In Evangelii Gaudium he encourages us, the Christian faithful, “to embark upon a new chapter of evangelisation marked by this joy [of the Gospel] while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.”
Pope Francis urged the entire Church "to embark on a new chapter of evangelism". The Church must understand itself as a "community of missionary disciples", who are "permanently in a state of mission". He says that “’mere administration’ can no longer be enough.”
I have commissioned a number of groups who are looking at how we work in our parishes and in the Archdiocese to increase the opportunities that enable us to do God’s work and to fulfil the promises of our baptism.
I want us to look at how we will individually respond to God’s call to be missionary disciples in the Church and in our local communities, working joyfully together to spread the Word and the work of God. In essence, how will we unfold God’s plan for our diocesan church?
When I look ahead, I envisage a Catholic diocese which is:
· Faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ
· Full of intentional disciples in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and others
· Where many more lay people are engaged in collaborative ministry
How can it happen and what will that look like given the challenges we face?
There are four areas I am asking us all to focus on: Evangelisation, Formation, Liturgy and Worship and Social Outreach.
In our work on the four themes it is important that young people and families are a particular area of focus for all that we do. The universal call to holiness finds its first expression within families and its first recruits among young people. Catholic education and our diocesan youth services play an important role in serving families and young people. The links between the family, the parish and the school are vital to ensure that the faith is handed on.
I invite you to join me in looking with fresh eyes at our mission. We must take this opportunity to do all we can to make sure the Gospel is seen and heard through the example of our daily Christian lives.
With every blessing
We are invited to journey together, listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of the people we meet.
The Synod is an invitation for every diocese to embark on a path of profound renewal as inspired by the grace of God's Spirit. As stated in the Preparatory Document, the Synod considers a main question: How is our “walking together” in synodality realised today in the Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “walking together”? The sensus fidei (sense of the faith) of the whole People of God is sought on this question.
The Synod focuses on many of the same areas we are hoping to renew through the Diocesan Vision, and so we will use the outcomes of the Synodal process to continue to grow as a diocese that is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour.
The Synod documents, syntheses and other resources, can be found on our Synod page.
Synod in the Archdiocese of Birmingham
Written by the Liturgy and Worship group:
Spirit of God,descend on me this day.Grant me the Spirit of joy, to lift me,the Spirit of hope to inspire me,the Spirit of love to surround me andthe Spirit of truth to enlighten my path.
Holy Spirit,I pray for a new outpouring of your grace,so that I may grow in worship of your namein love of you in my prayerand in my actions towards others.
Come Holy Spirit into my life to guide me.Strengthen and defend me,so that I may be drawn ever closer to you.Help me this day and alwaysto be a channel of gracein all I say and doand invite others into relationship with you.
Open prayer card
Diocesan Vision: 6 Sessions for your parish
All the latest news and information on the Synod. The second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod will be held in Rome from 2 – 27 October 2024. Read more
At the centre of our Vision Read more
Clergy and the lay faithful working together, developing teams and structures in parishes Read more
Building up the common good Read more
Sharing in, and reflecting, the divine life of the Trinity Read more
Nurturing future Catholic leaders Read more
Know God's love Read more
Materials to support our Vision Read more