Living as a Catholic Prayer What Is Prayer? For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. (St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Manuscrits autobiographiques, C 25r.) The Year of Prayer In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. It started in Advent 2023. There is a particular focus on the Our Father, and this presents us with a great opportunity to go back to the basics of prayer. Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. If the Gospel is a message of Joy, then it is one we should be eager to share with others, and this can be done especially by inviting people to a deeper, prayerful encounter with Jesus Christ this year. Find out more about the Year of Prayer. Year of Prayer Go to: Monthly Prayer Intentions Vision Prayer World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation - 1 September 2024 Father, Lord of all creation, we praise you with all your creaturesand the whole universe that comes forth from the work of Your hands.We acknowledge the privilege and responsibilitythat You give us as stewards of Your creation.In our ignorance we have done damage to our common homeand our brothers and sisters are suffering. Through faithfully following your Songuide and direct us to prepare for a better future.Teach us to contemplate You in the beauty of the universe,for all things speak of You.Give us the grace to recognise, respect and protect all You have created,using wisely all that you have entrusted to us. Holy Spirit,who first hovered over the dawn of creation and drew order out of the chaoshelp us to build your kingdom of justice, love, peace and beauty where the poor of the earth are crying out. You, who live and reign, world without end, Amen. Season of Creation A Prayer for Ukraine Lord Jesus Christ,Prince of Peace and Saviour of the World: Our world is in need of your peace at this time,as we see the effects of evil deeds. We hold before you our brothers and sisters in Ukraine:those who are living through the trauma of staying, under threat of their lives and homesand those who have left all they know in search of safety. We are seeing too the best of humanityin those who are welcoming others into their countries and communities:new friendships which are emerging from the ashes of destruction;death leading to resurrection. As the Season of Lent began with prayer for the people of Ukraine,may it continue to be our prayer each day,that darkness will be transformed into light,hatred into love,and a deep respect for common humanitybe expressed between nations. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you.Amen. Bishop Timothy Menezes Praying for Peace in the Holy Land The charity Friends of the Holy Land have compiled reflections and prayers to use during this time of war. Prayers for September The Pope Video Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit. Pope Francis – September 2024 Let us pray for the cry of the Earth.If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick, just like anyone who’s sick.But are we listening to this pain?Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes?The ones suffering most from the consequences of these disasters are the poor, those who are forced to leave their homes because of floods, heat waves or drought.Dealing with the environmental crisis caused by humans, such as climate change, pollution or the loss of biodiversity, begs responses that are not only ecological, but are also social, economic and political.We must commit ourselves to the fight against poverty and the protection of nature, changing our personal and community habits.Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit. New School Year and Education Sunday, 8 September Prayer of dedication for staff at the beginning of a new school year You have made us for yourself, O Lord,and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you At the beginning of a new year, Lord Jesus,we come together as a community of faith.As the Apostles in the Upper Room,so we too are privileged to know that we are in your presence, drawn into your life. We entrust to you the year ahead,ourselves and all those in our care.We place our lives into your handsand ask that we may be consecrated anew to your service.Your teaching made an impression on your followers and on those who came to know you. As we minister to others in your name, may we have the authority that comes from you, accompanied by the willingness to serve that you showed at the Last Supper.You place your trust in us and you give us all that we need to fulfil our purpose and to model ourselves on your life and mission.May your word be a lamp for our steps and a light for our path.May the year ahead be for us a year of blessings given and received. Amen. Prayer for Education Sunday Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of Catholic education. Thank you for all those who have given their talents toeducating our young people. Through the challenges theyencounter each day, lead them to an ever deeper appreciationof the sacred duty to which you have called them. Thank you for all those who contribute to the efficient runningof our Catholic education sector: chaplains, support staff,kitchen staff, maintenance staff, governors and trustees. Wethank them for their hard work and dedication. Thank you for all the leaders of Catholic education. May they bepeople of integrity so that they can be witnesses as well asteachers. We pray that the schools they lead will become placeswhere our young people can experience your love in their lives. Thank you for our pupils and students. May your love strengthenand nurture them through the influence and example of thosewho care for them. We pray that through their time at schooland university they will flourish and grow to discover who youhave called them to be. We make this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, our teacherand our Lord,Amen A Reflection before the Blessed Sacrament A reflection before the Blessed SacramentOutside the church the noisy traffic flows past. People rush hither and thither. But I have left that world behind and I am here before you, Lord. I do not exclude my brothers and sisters. I bring them with me, for I know that they are equally dear to you. I have nothing. Yet I know that because I have you, I have everything. I close my mind and open my heart, and so I am at peace. Here I experience my true worth, which consists, not in my possessions or achievements, but in knowing that I am loved by you. Sub tuumSub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen. We fly to thy protection, O holy Mother of God.Despise not our petitions in our necessities,but deliver us always from all dangersO glorious and blessed Virgin. This prayer, first found in c. 300, is the oldest known prayer to the Virgin. A selection of Prayers for Schools Weekly Intercessions from CAFOD Prayer for the Diocesan Vision Written by the Liturgy and Worship group: Spirit of God,descend on me this day.Grant me the Spirit of joy, to lift me,the Spirit of hope to inspire me,the Spirit of love to surround me andthe Spirit of truth to enlighten my path. Holy Spirit,I pray for a new outpouring of your grace,so that I may grow in worship of your namein love of you in my prayerand in my actions towards others. Come Holy Spirit into my life to guide me.Strengthen and defend me,so that I may be drawn ever closer to you.Help me this day and alwaysto be a channel of gracein all I say and doand invite others into relationship with you. Amen Open prayer card Pray with Archbishop Bernard Manage Cookie Preferences