Vision Vision Prayers for Schools The series of prayers below has been created by the Diocesan Liturgy and Worship group for use in all of our schools for staff and pupils for a variety of occasions. Please use them and share them as you wish. Click on the quick links below to access the prayers you need. Children’s Walk With Me Prayer Prayer of dedication for staff at the beginning of a new school year Prayer of thanksgiving for staff at the end of a school year Prayer for a School community Working Together (a prayer for school staff) Prayers before lunch Prayers for after lunch Preparation for Mass Thanksgiving after Mass Before a test/exam Prayer at the beginning of a new week in school Prayer at the end of a school week Prayer for Social action /solidarity with the poor Spiritual Communion Prayer for children Advent 1 prayer for school (First Sunday of Advent until 16th December) Christmas prayer for school Advent 2 prayer for school (17th to 24th December) Epiphany prayer for school Lent prayer for school Holy Week Prayer for School Easter Prayer for School Ascension Prayer for School Pentecost Prayer for School Ordinary Time Prayer for School Prayer to Our Lady Prayer to St Joseph Prayer to the Holy Family Children’s Walk With Me Prayer God, our loving Father, We come to you today. Be with us, hear us, guide us in all we do today. You give us times and seasons Your Spirit makes us grow. In times of joy and sadness we see your blessings flow. I place my life before you In all my work and play. I’ll try to walk with Jesus and in his friendship stay. Amen. Prayer of dedication for staff at the beginning of a new school year You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you At the beginning of a new year, Lord Jesus, we come together as a community of faith. As the Apostles in the Upper Room, so we too are privileged to know that we are in your presence, drawn into your life. We entrust to you the year ahead, ourselves and all those in our care. We place our lives into your hands and ask that we may be consecrated anew to your service. Your teaching made an impression on your followers and on those who came to know you. As we minister to others in your name, may we have the authority that comes from you, accompanied by the willingness to serve that you showed at the Last Supper. You place your trust in us and you give us all that we need to fulfil our purpose and to model ourselves on your life and mission. May your word be a lamp for our steps and a light for our path. May the year ahead be for us a year of blessings given and received. Amen. Prayer of thanksgiving for staff at the end of a school year From the rising of the sun to its setting, you reveal your purpose in us, Lord God. As we reflect on the year that has passed and the young lives that we have been privileged to shape, we recognise the development and change that has taken place: in those we have served and in ourselves. Now, you give us rest from our labours and the opportunity to look back on the blessings of the past year, and to be grateful for our calling. Protect with your care all the families of our school community in the weeks ahead. Keep safe in your care especially those most in need. May we know the difference we have made this year, the challenges we have faced, the obstacles overcome and the seemingly impossible situations which you made possible. Inspire us with new vision so that we may return to our tasks refreshed, with a thirst for learning and a passion to share that thirst with the next generation. Amen Prayer for a School community Lord Jesus Christ, you are at the centre of our life. You give us our mission. You were nurtured in the home of Nazareth and became an effective and inspiring teacher. You challenged all who followed you and those who came to you for life-changing help. We ask you to bless our school family: all that gives us cause for gratitude and all our present needs. May everything we do begin with the knowledge of your love for us and your wish for us to see you in one another. In our differences, unite us; in our weaknesses, strengthen us; in our disappointments, console us and in any success, may we count our blessings and give thanks. Your true greatness was expressed in service and sacrifice. Your purpose is to lead us deeper into a relationship with your Father and to make us citizens of Heaven. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. May the life of each school day become part of the tapestry of your life which is both timeless and eternal. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen. Working together (a prayer for children and young people) Lord God, You have called us together in this school and we ask your blessing. Each one of us is made in your image, each one of us has a name and a story which only you know fully. From the earliest times, you have taught us to love you, our God, and to love our neighbour. Your Son, Jesus, instructed us to see him when we see the least of our brothers and sisters. Those around me here today are far from the least: we are equal in your sight, the judgement that really matters. Today, let me share the gifts you have given me and never belittle others. Let me consider the impact of my words and the effect those words would have on me. Let me not hide behind the weakness shown by others but have the courage to speak out for what is right. Let me never be embarrassed of doing well. If I succeed in kindness today and especially if that kindness makes a difference for others, it will have been a good day. My life in this school is part of the unfolding story of my life in your plan for me. May my days begin and end with the knowledge that I am blessed because, in good times and bad, I am never alone. You have created me, Your Son Jesus has experienced every human emotion, Your Holy Spirit fills me with hope. Amen. Working Together (a prayer for school staff) Holy Spirit, source of all wisdom, give to each person here an understanding of our calling. The Apostle Paul teaches that we are all part of the Body of Christ, that each part is necessary, that all of the parts depend on each other, with Christ himself as the Head of the Body. Renew in us the original purpose of sharing with new generations our knowledge and experience. May we rejoice to see in fellow staff ideas and inspiration, encouragement and affirmation. May the good of the young lives in our care be the reason for us working together and seeing the best in each other. May our respect for others and for ourselves lead us through this term, to realise always the dignity of our work and to contribute each day to the building of your Kingdom. Amen. Prayers before lunch As lunchtime comes, we thank you, Lord God, for all that we have done with your help this morning. Now we prepare to eat the fruit of the earth and work of human hands. As we do, we pray for those who will have no food today. Look after these, our brothers and sisters, in need. Amen. Prayers for after lunch You have given us time to rest from our work and to play with our friends, Lord. We are grateful for the nourishment we have received and for those who have provided our food. Bless us as we continue our day, strengthened by this food. Amen. Preparation for Mass Lord Jesus Christ, we prepare to meet you in a very special way in the celebration of Mass. We shall gather and listen to your word. We shall adore you present among us. At times we shall be still and know that you are with us in the calmness. Open our hearts and minds, invite us into this celebration. Make us heralds of your Good News. Amen. Thanksgiving after Mass Lord Jesus Christ, after your Death and Resurrection, you walked alongside the disciples on the road to Emmaus. You listened to them, and you opened their minds by explaining the Scriptures to them and you opened their eyes at the breaking of the bread. We have been in your presence today: we have listened to that same Word proclaimed and we have witnessed the miracle of bread and wine becoming your Body and Blood. Make our hearts burn within us. Walk with us always on our pilgrim journey. Amen. Before a test/exam I ask for your help today, Holy Spirit as I sit this test / exam. I have been given unique gifts and I ask for your wisdom to guide me and your peace in my heart. May I know that you are with me, that I give of my best, and that I take this opportunity to express myself well, and to shine as a light in the world. Amen. Prayer at the beginning of a new week in school Lord God, Creator of the world and all life. We come before you as we begin a new week: looking forward with hope and trusting always in your goodness. May we be open to the many possibilities that this week will bring in the story of our life and in the company of others. Bless our school community, bless our families. Stay with us, Lord, on our journey. Amen Prayer at the end of a school week Holy Spirit as we complete another week, help us to reflect on the gifts that you have given to us, and to be grateful for these gifts which have been creative in us. As we prepare to spend more time with our families, make us always aware of the needs of others. Help us to serve them and to be ready to show them your love. Keep us safe, always in your presence. Amen. Prayer for Social action /solidarity with the poor Lord Jesus, in the parable of the Good Samaritan, you teach us so much: that our belonging to the family of God is more important than any differences between people; that compassion is a most wonderful gift; and to see you in the eyes of those most in need. We are all brothers and sisters, and if one of your children is in need, we are called to help them, just as we would wish to be helped if we are the one in need of help. Nobody whom you love should be poor, or without a home, a stranger whom nobody welcomes. Make us Good Samaritans. make us proud to share what is ours, remembering all that we have is given to us first. Help us to be known for our bringing joy out of sorrow and the hand of friendship that will make all the difference. Amen. Spiritual Communion Prayer for children Lord Jesus Christ, our brother and our friend, We have listened to your word and we gather around your altar. While we cannot all be together and it is not possible for people to receive Holy Communion, we want you to know our love for you and your place in our lives. You are the Bread of Life, You are Food for the Journey. Stay with us, Lord Jesus. Amen. A Prayer when we need to say Sorry God of forgiveness, who welcomes us back like the Prodigal Son when we wander away from you: forgive us for the things we have said or done that have not shown your love. Forgive us for starting arguments or not stopping them. Give us the light of your truth, so that we can find a better way to live, and to make the world a better place. Amen. Advent 1 prayer for school (First Sunday of Advent until 16th December) Come, Lord Jesus, Your people come to this Advent Season With hope in our hearts. Throughout history, the Prophets have spoken your Word, And promised a Messiah, a Leader of your People. Open our ears to hear your living Word, Open our hearts to know the best ways to change and to make our lives today like the life of heaven. Give us the wisdom of those who have lived long lives. Teach us daily to accept the wisdom of those who teach us. May we be a sign in the world of your gift of hope. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen. Advent 2 prayer for school (17th to 24th December) Lord Jesus, we now look forward excitement to your birth at Bethlehem. We have waited with joyful hope through this season of Advent, and now we think about all that is to come. Warm our hearts with the knowledge of the journeys that people made to Bethlehem for this event which did not seem big at the time, but which changed history. Help us to know that every moment of our lives has a meaning, even if we do not know it at the time. Come, Lord Jesus. Do not delay. Prepare our hearts for the days to come. Amen. Christmas prayer for school Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will! All creation sings together at the birth of Jesus our Saviour. Men and women, rich and poor and even the animals witnessed this event: not the glorious splendour of a Warrior King but the humble arrival of a Servant King. We know that Christmas is a time for families and we pray for peace in our families this Christmas. We know that Christmas is a time for being together. We pray for those who will be alone this Christmas. May they know that they are never alone because they belong to the family of God. O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord. Amen. Epiphany prayer for school King of all Nations, Lord Jesus Christ. We have celebrated your birth, and now we acknowledge you to be for everybody. On this day, we celebrate the powerful people standing in awe not at the King they had expected, but at the lowly sign of love and compassion for our world. May this Feast inspire us to welcome you, not always as we expect, but as you wish to make yourself known to us. May your revelation to all nations on this day be a sign of the unity of all those you have made and take away any divisions. Amen. Lent prayer for school Lord Jesus, for forty days and forty nights, you fasted and prayed. That gives meaning to these forty days. Keep us close to you. During this holy season, we are called to think less of ourselves and more about you and about the needs of others. The ashes we receive make us humble. The money we give to charity gives life to others. As we pray, may we think of the many people who need our prayers. May we believe in the power of prayer to make a difference. Even as we go without some things that we like, this Lent, make us always joyful in your service. Amen. Holy Week Prayer for School Lord Jesus Christ, our brother and our friend: this Holy Week we remember and we live through your Entry into Jerusalem, your Last Supper, your time of sorrow and prayer in the Garden, your trial and your death on the Cross, and your three days in the tomb. Lord Jesus Christ, Our Saviour and Redeemer: this week we pray with you in your hour of need. We see how you felt so alone when your friends deserted you. We pray that we may be loyal friends to you during these days, and we know that you will always be at our side. May we keep this week Holy, this week which gives meaning to our whole life of faith. Amen. Easter Prayer for School Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! Lord Jesus, We celebrate your rising to new life. You have given us the hope that nothing can defeat us. You have overcome every challenge, You have proved that the power of evil does not win. You have proved that beyond death is the promise of heaven. We lived through the sadness of you being rejected. Now we stand by you in your victory over suffering. Help us to know that you stand by us and lead us into light. Your Resurrection gives meaning to our Baptism. We are an Easter People. Alleluia! We are Children of the Light. Alleluia! Amen. Ascension Prayer for School Lord God and Father, we celebrate the day that your Son Jesus finished his work here on earth and returned to you in Heaven. We thank you for the difference he made: His words, his healing, his understanding of what it is to be human. His weakness in suffering, his rejection by his friends, his understanding of what it is to be human. When he left this earth, Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. He kept that promise and we see that gift today in the Sacraments, in Prayer and in Christian Charity. Amen. Pentecost Prayer for School Come, Holy Spirit! Fill us with your gifts, may we know your fruits. We come to know you in a special way at Pentecost Following the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven. You were already there at Creation breathing life into all that was made. Continue to give us life each day. Fill us with joy and consolation whenever we need them. Amen. Ordinary Time Prayer for School Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Our first family of faith, we come before you as a family of faith in this school, this community, our neighbourhood. In all that you ask us to do, give us generous hearts. When we find things difficult, give us compassion, and when others struggle may we give them our time and our care. When things go well, help us to remember that you make us the people we are. May we never forget to thank you. Keep us in your care, show us the right path and lead us as pilgrims to the Joy of your Kingdom. Amen. Prayer to Our Lady Mary, our Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth, we honour you today for all that you have done to make God’s love real in the world as a daughter and a Mother. Your greatest gift was to be faithful to your Son. You said Yes to God’s will, You carried Jesus and brought him into the world. You listened to his teaching. You loved him throughout his Passion and Death. You shared in the joy of his Resurrection. We, your children pray for your motherly care. Together with the Saints in Heaven you hold us in prayer and we are grateful. May we follow your example and say ‘yes’ to God’s will today. Amen. Prayer to St Joseph St Joseph, who together with Mary, formed a home in which the Son of God grew to maturity, we honour you, we thank you, we seek your prayers for the Church throughout the world, for all who work, for fathers, for guardians, and for all of us. You are just and faithful. You are a man of deeds more than words for us. You were called to a privileged role which was not always easy. When we are called to do things that are not easy, may we ask for your help and understanding. Bless our work today and every day. Amen. Prayer to the Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the home at Nazareth we believe that you lived as a family in good times and bad. We pray for our families in everything they are going through. Your family was not as everybody expected it to be, and people judged you. May I always know that my family is a gift, that my home is a place where I can be myself. We are not perfect, but we keep trying, knowing that you are always with us. May we respect those who have given us life. May we always try to see the good in our families. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Help our families to be like yours. Amen. Manage Cookie Preferences