Vision Our Vision: Evangelisation Encouraging others to know God’s love for them by inviting them to church, to pray and to encounter Christ – inviting them to parish groups where they can learn about Our Lord - helping to form missionary disciples and missionary parishes. Evangelisation sub group Membership Fr Michael GloverPaul Northam, Diocesan Advisor for Evangelisation, Marriage and Family LifeBeccy Roseman, Lay Chaplain Co-ordinator Remit The aim of the Evangelisation sub group is to respond to the Archbishop’s Vision for the Archdiocese to make evangelisation a key priority for Catholics and parishes. To create a plan that: Explores the missionary and evangelising potential of parishes and chaplaincies with the clergy Engages with the lay faithful that the Church does not have a mission but is a mission. Each baptised person is called to play an active role in evangelisation as missionary disciples Encourages all the baptised to engage with local plans for evangelisation in parishes and deaneries so that: the baptised grow to become missionary disciples, witnessing in their local community; missionary disciples may form missionary structures that reach out and serve Establish a team for evangelisation that acts as a ‘resource hub’ in partnership with other diocesan agencies in accompanying the Archdiocese in the ongoing work for evangelisation and mission. Current work We are currently working on ’Something Greater’ - a tool parishes can use to extend a hand of friendship to their local community to invite them to come to church. As our parishes and communities continue to open, Something Greater can help in reaching out to: Those who have lost the habit of coming to church and who may be anxious about doing so Those who may not want to re-establish a pattern of Catholic worship – who may have seen a gap widen between the spiritual dimension of their lives and any communal expression of that spiritual quest The ‘Covid curious’ who may have encountered the Catholic Church for the first time during the pandemic. Resources Something Greater - please sign your parish up using this form Watch! Fr Michael Glover answers some of the questions he has received regarding Something Greater... You may find it useful to review some texts and resources which aim to strengthen and renew our faith community: Evangelii Gaudium: Apostlic Exhortation on the church's primary mission of evangelization in the modern world – Pope Francis Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter – Michael White Forming Intentional Disciples: The path to knowing and loving Jesus - Sherry Weddell Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples - Sherry Weddell Fruitful Discipleship: Living the Mission of Jesus in the Church and in the world - Sherry Weddell Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish - Fr James Mallon Manage Cookie Preferences