Invigorating and deepening our worship and sacramental celebrations so that we share in and reflect the divine life of the Trinity - encouraging others to join us in praying to our Heavenly Father.

Recognising that from our earliest years, the ways of faith are experienced first through prayers as children. The Eucharist is the centre of the Church’s Life. The Sacraments are signs of God’s love and power at work in our lives.

The daily rhythm of personal prayer and the Sunday gathering of God’s people are essential to our mission and we promote worthy celebrations of the Church’s liturgy and the fullest participation with good understanding of what that means for the greater number, of all ages and backgrounds.

In liturgy and worship, we are drawn into the timeless awe and wonder of God. In turn, from liturgy and worship, we are given strength for our mission and especially for our recognition of the need of our neighbour and those most in need.

Prayers for schools

A series of prayers has been created by the Diocesan Liturgy and Worship group for use in all of our schools for staff and pupils for a variety of occasions. Please use them and share them as you wish. 

Prayers for Schools

Ongoing projects

Having written the prayer to accompany the Diocesan Vision, we are looking to compose a prayer for schools.

We are looking at support for parishes and schools in addressing the needs of those who have been unable to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation during the pandemic.

Seeking a new relationship for parents of those leaving primary school with their adult faith and links to parish at a time when their links with the primary school come to a natural end. Giving parents who have served the needs of their child’s faith an opportunity to reflect on God’s place in their life.

Liturgy has been a major part of the life for many Catholics all their life, but they lack confidence in speaking about their faith. The ways in which people can become confident in expressing their faith through projects such as art, writing, music, parishioners occasionally speaking about God’s action in their life to the gathered parish community so as to build up faith and to help others to see themselves as witnesses.

The Eucharist calls out for justice for those most in need. Jesus came to bring a revolution of established values in society. The Word of God and the dynamic action of the Holy Spirit in the Mass giving new impetus to practical ways of making Christ known in the world today.


NEW: Liturgical Year - a document with liturgical focus points by month to help guide parish life throughout the year.

Liturgical Year

Please also refer to established resources such as:

The Diocesan website monthly and seasonal Prayer Page

Kenelm Youth Trust initiatives to support and strengthen the faith of young people

Diocesan Education Service prayer resources for schools

One Life Music resources

Bishops' Conference of England and Wales Liturgy Office

The God Who Speaks scripture initiative

Sacred Space (Irish Jesuit website)

Pray as you Go (British Jesuit website)

Universalis Mass Readings and Divine Office (also available on an App)

CJM Music - Helping you bring liturgy to life

National Network of Pastoral Musicians

Society of St Gregory

Music Planner September - January - by Archdiocese of Southwark

Liturgy and Worship sub group


Mgr Timothy Menezes, Dean, St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham; Diocesan Liturgical Commission
Dan Callow, OneLife Music, Composer, Liturgical Musician and Retreat and Inset in Schools; Parish Musician, St Christopher’s Codsall, Wolverhampton
Maggie Duggan, Deputy Director, Birmingham Diocesan Education Service
Victoria Hamilton, Kenelm Youth Trust; Liturgical Musician; Parish Social Outreach, St Peter’s, Bartley Green, Birmingham
Fr Nazarius Mgungwe, Parish Priest, St Joseph’s, Malvern, Worcestershire
Fr Paul Whieldon
Georges Wisoba, Parishioner of St Vincent’s, Nechells, Birmingham and attended World Youth Day, Panama.


  • To work as part of the framework with the other sub groups and accountable to the Diocesan Plan Steering Group. The Church’s Liturgy is the first experience of its life for many people. Liturgical formation is part of the mission of individuals and communities. Recognising Christ in the Eucharist which feeds us from the altar demands that we feed the poor from our table and
  • To support the liturgical life of parishes, schools and chaplaincies in their understanding of good and worthy celebration of the Church’s liturgy and the celebration of the Sacraments
  • To provide online prayer resources to support parishes, schools and chaplaincies on a Diocesan level and to give people guidance as to how to write prayers of their own to suit local circumstances
  • To consider the particular implications for liturgy and prayer as a result of the experience of churchgoing and live streaming during 2020/21.