Sunday opening Mass 6th sunday of easter

Theme: Good News to the Poor- we come in our poverty to experience a taste of the kingdom, here in Lourdes

We begin our pilgrimage on Sunday, the Lord's Day, and the Day of the Resurrection. In fact, our whole pilgrimage this year takes place in the joy of the Easter Season and will include the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday and the Visitation of Our Lady to her cousin Elizabeth on Friday.

This year's theme in Lourdes, Blessed are the Poor, will be a time for us to reflect on our own awareness of poverty around us especially in our own communities at home, and the call to see Christ most of all in those who are in need. But on this week of pilgrimage, we are also invited to recognise the areas of poverty in our own lives, and to seek the riches of the life of heaven to influence our daily lives. With the joy of the redeemed children of God, let us begin our pilgrimage week.

Bishop David McGough Homily

Filling Eglise St Bernadette Cote Grotte for Opening Mass

Processional for Welcome Mass

Thanks to our young people

Lucy Mitchell Student Nurse

Ethan Jennings Aged 17

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Day One Lourdes 2019