Latest News New course launch: The Way of Communion The Way of Communion - an opportunity to deepen knowledge/skills in Catholic Liturgy, Worship and Prayer ‘Liturgy and Worship’ is one of the four priorities singled out in Archbishop Bernard’s Pastoral Vision that informs and guides the current work of looking at how we work now to prepare more solid foundations for the Church in Birmingham in coming decades. It is also the focus of the ‘Prayer and Liturgy Directory’ recently issued for Catholic schools, academies and colleges in England and Wales. Ordained ministers have had the opportunity to be introduced to what the Liturgy and Prayer of the Church asks of them. It is rare for anything very much to be made available to lay ministers - yet in our changing circumstances lay ministers are likely to be invited - or simply need - to take more responsibility for the preparation and leading of times of prayer, acts of worship, and celebration of the Liturgy in their communities - parishes, schools, religious communities, etc. The Way of Communion is offered to help ministers be introduced to the Church’s tradition and expectations in this area - and provide a simple, safe and relaxed forum for discussion and learning. The course runs from May to December (with August off!) with an online meeting from 7.30 - 8.30pm on the first two Mondays of each month - with those who wish welcome to stay on beyond the hour to continue and broaden the conversation, with nothing off limits! The course is FREE. Participants will only need access to Zoom, and their own copies of Catholic Liturgy and the Prayer and Liturgy Directory - and are asked to read the relevant chapter/sections in advance of each online meeting. For more information and to register please contact the course leader, Fr Allen Morris, at [email protected] Fr Allen is parish priest of St Nicholas, Boldmere, a member of the Birmingham Liturgy Commission, and former Secretary of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. DOWNLOAD poster Detailed course description Manage Cookie Preferences