Latest News Coventry church hosts creation day Mass From Maria - St Elizabeth's Justice & Peace Group St Elizabeth's Church held a creation day Mass last month (Sun 16 Sept) as part of our Live Simply commitment, and in response to Pope Francis' call to care for creation and the environment we live in. To this end the Youth Group were instrumental in setting it all up, organising the whole Mass with a banner stating 'Care for Creation our Common Home' and another one called 'Global Healing'. We also decided to have a Harvest Festival with donated food going to the Peace House Night Shelter, which looks after refugees, and Coventry Foodbank. The Mass started with a hymn of St Francis of Assisi. The hymns were all on a theme of creation. The young people processed to the altar with various flowers and fruit. One of the altar servers spoke about our responsibility for the environment we live in and how our activities were causing pollution. During the Service the little church sang 'If I were a Butterfly' and towards the end of the service there was a film showing called 'Heal The World', while that was being played all the youngsters processed towards the alter with the food that was donated, along with flowers and fruit. It was a beautiful Mass with thought-provoking issues for our world today. Photo Gallery Manage Cookie Preferences