Starting on Sunday 16 May, a week of online events is taking place worldwide leading up to Pentecost.

Designated Laudato Si' Week, Pope Francis invites us to 'Prepare the future', celebrating the progress the Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion, and reflecting on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us.

Find out more about Laudato Si' Week

Laudato Si' encyclical

Watch! Pope Francis invites you to celebrate Laudato Si' Week 2021

Last year Pope Francis declared a special Year of Laudato Si' from 24 May 2020 culminating in the 2021 week.

This year the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, takes place in Glasgow in November and the G7 Summit is also hosted in this country in June.

See the latest newsletter from Laudato Si' Animators UK, a group dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Pope's encyclical.

Laudato Si Animators UK is a group of people, mainly Catholics, who have graduated from the Global Catholic Climate Movement’s (GCCM) 'Laudato Si Animators' course which is set up to educate and enable people to inspire others, in parishes, schools and in the world at large, to engage in dialogue and action on the current environmental crisis.

A Catholic response to the environmental crisis

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The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, through the God Who Speaks scripture campaign, have created a Pentecost Novena on the Environment