Daily Prayers sent to you direct throughout Lent -selected by the Diocesan Liturgy and Worship Group.

Living Lent Daily

Loyola Press. Take time each day for Living Lent Daily and prepare your heart for a new appreciation of the journey to Easter. 

Living Lent Daily

Best Lent Ever                                                                                                    

Sign up to receive two short, practical, and inspiring videos in your inbox every day, each representing a pathway leading toward a better version of you and a closer relationship with God.                         

Bent Lent Ever

Lenten Reflections

These beautiful Lenten prayers and reflections from CAFOD offer you the opportunity to reflect on your own or in your parish. CAFOD also have a search feature you can use to find prayers for Lent either to use on your own, in a group or in Church.

CAFOD Prayer Resources

Lent resources

Starting on the week commencing 28 February, for the season of Lent, the Liturgy and Worship group will select a different resource each week, to help you to participate in a faith-filled Lent this year.

Liturgy and Worship

A collection of resources for Lent and Easter can be found on our Lent and Easter page- with retreats (in person and online), videos, liturgy, resources for children and families and more gathered from our parishes, Catholic friends and partners.

Lent and Easter Resources