On Sunday July 31 the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Coventry, St. Volodymyr the Great, celebrated the 60th anniversary of the consecration of the Church with parish members, clergy and friends.

Very Rev Mgr David J Senyk, parish priest said:

"Today we dedicate our prayers and thoughts to those first pioneers, who having been forced to abandon their Ukrainian homeland following the second world war, found themselves here in the Midlands of the United Kingdom.

"Hungry for life and hungry for survival, these young men and women came together to create their own little Ukraine here in Coventry.

"And from that little acorn, today we have before us the true splendour of a wonderful vibrant Oak Tree, which is our Ukrainian Community here in Coventry.

"Whilst looking around at the many faces marking our parish 60th Jubilee, it seems to me that history is repeating itself. Many new faces and young souls are truly hungry for common love, companionship with a determined will to survive as a free Ukrainian in the face of today’s threat of annihilation."

Read more - Mgr Senyk

Mgr Daniel McHugh, Co-ordinator for Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions in the Archdiocese, said:

"Today, I congratulate you on 60 Years of Faith and Love here at St. Volodymyr. Your Faith, nurtured in Holy Mass in the Byzantine Rite, and instruction in Faith and Culture – has led to outreach to all.

"We are especially aware of your outreach in love since 24 February, the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine."

He added:

"Now you are in the front line supporting those fleeing the war in your homeland. Your work with the City of Coventry is recognised by the presence of Peter Barnett, Head of Migration in the City; a model for other areas of Church and Local Authority working together.

"Your work with the wider Archdiocese is recognised in the presence of Andy Quinn, who heads up the Fr. Hudson’s Care Initiative for Ukraine on behalf of the Archdiocese.

"Finally, to be highlighted is your work with other Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions, enriching each other in supporting the Faith, Culture and different Rites of the one Catholic Church... Your engagement was most recently seen at the Intercultural Mass and Celebration, marking One World Week on the occasion of Coventry being the UK City of Culture."

Read more - Mgr Daniel

Holy Liturgy

Extracts from the Concert

Photo Gallery - St Volodymyr the Great 60th Anniversary Celebrations

St Vlodymyr Coventry - 60th anniversary  -