It is with great sadness we announce the death of Canon Gerry Breen.

Canon Gerry died in hospital in the early hours of Sunday 22 December 2019, after a long illness.

Please pray for the repose of his soul.

Among his many appointments Canon Gerry served as Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral until the end of 2018.

In recognition of the close links between St Chad’s Cathedral and Lichfield Cathedral, both dedicated to St Chad, Canon Gerry was appointed an Honorary Canon of Lichfield Cathedral.

He had also served in parishes in Stourport and at Holy Trinity in Sutton Coldfield, as assistant priest and parish priest.

For over 20 years Canon Gerry was the director of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Lourdes Pilgrimage. In that capacity he was appointed as an Honorary Chaplain of the Shrine of Lourdes.

We pray for his family, fellow clergy and the many parishioners he served over the years.

May he rest in peace. Amen.

Funeral details will follow in due course.