Are you married? Preparing to get married? Then please read on!

We may have had to postpone our two planned Thanksgiving Masses for Marriage due to the coronavirus pandemic, but we hope to reschedule them for later this year.

Once again we will welcome couples from across the Archdiocese who are celebrating milestone marriages, are marking their first wedding anniversary or about to get married.

But for the time being please be a part of UK National Marriage Week 2020, which runs from Monday 11 to Sunday 17 May.

This year’s theme is an invitation to reflect on your relationship now, to take stock, to ask where it’s going and what the future might look like whether you’re married or in a relationship.

And if you’re single and aspire to a forever relationship, we invite you to join the conversation too.

There are some great stories and insights on the Marriage Week website, along with podcast The M Word.

Marriage Week

You can also find out more from the following websites - including meeting real couples and reading their stories; marriage course online; planning a Catholic wedding; being better together and much more.

Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations – accompanying couples over a lifetime

Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations

Couple to Couple League - Real Couples, Real Stories

Couple to Couple League

For Your Marriage - helps couples at all stages of life to understand and live God’s plan for happy, holy marriages by providing educational and spiritual resources.

For Your Marriage

The Marriage Course Online

The Marriage Course Online

Dynamic Catholic - Every couple wants to have a great marriage—and we’re dedicated to helping you get there. Whether you are newlyweds or have been together for decades, here are some resources you can use to enrich your relationship!

Chaste Love - Inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II's Theology of the body and Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae, we seek to share to truth regarding the dignity of every person and empower people to repair and strengthen relationships.

Chaste Love

The 5 Love Languages - Strengthening Millions of Relationships … One Language at a Time

Throughout Marriage Week look out for themed messages from our Twitter account @RCBirmingham