“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you” (2 Tm. 1:6)
‘The words of St. Paul to Timothy can appropriately be applied to the ongoing formation to which all priests are called by virtue of the “gift of God” which they have received at their ordination. … permanent formation is a requirement of the priest’s own faithfulness to his ministry, to his very being. It is love for Jesus Christ and fidelity to oneself. But it is also an act of love for the People of God, at whose service the priest is placed.’ Pastores Dabo Vobis, Pope Saint John Paul II.
As the above extract from Pastores Dabo Vobis begins to make clear, ongoing formation is our response to the gift of our vocation and to the continuing call to be configured to Christ, so as to better serve God and his people. As such, it involves every aspect of our life and activity following ordination, and is something for which we, in the first place, are primarily responsible.
Provision of opportunities for ongoing formation is the responsibility of the Archbishop, in collaboration with others. Opportunities for formation arranged by the Ongoing Formation Committee and others – in the areas of spiritual, pastoral, human and intellectual formation – are available online here and via the internal Intranet
Rev Fr Craig Szmidt
Director for Ongoing Formation for Clergy
Further information can be obtained at: [email protected]