Latest News Walking Together on the Synod journey gathers pace Momentum to take part in the Synod is building across the Archdiocese as more and more parishes kickstart their conversations. The Synod was launched in Rome last October by Pope Francis and the Diocesan phase is now underway. The deadline to receive feedback from parish conversations is Monday 28 February. Over the coming weeks many parishes are hosting meetings as they embark on the Synod journey, which carries the theme ‘For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission’. They are encouraged to use the Diocesan handbook, ‘Walking Together’, which is a step-by-step guide of what to do. It includes the questions to discuss and a feedback sheet. Responses should then be emailed to [email protected] And if you need support at any stage of your journey please ask for help by emailing [email protected] Canon Paul Fitzpatrick, chair of the Diocesan Synodal Pathway Committee, said: “I am really pleased at the level of engagement so far, as we ‘walk together’ throughout the Archdiocese. “It is wonderful to see that so many parishes have already arranged a number of meetings. If you haven't started yet, there is still time to begin and I would encourage all to get involved. “If you’re unable to attend a meeting in your own parish please consider joining a neighbouring parish.” Many parishes are now promoting the Synod in their weekly newsletters and/or on their parish websites as they embark on this very special journey. For example, three in-person / online meetings are underway for the parishes of Immaculate Conception and Holy Trinity in Bicester, and two in-person meetings are set for Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in Rednal and St John Fisher, West Heath. The Synod is the focus of the next Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission forum on Tuesday 25 January at 7pm on Zoom - how can parish Justice and Peace groups get involved? Canon Paul is the guest speaker. Book your place here Every member of the Church is invited to speak in the Synod and conversations are also encouraged to take place in schools, with young people, hospital chaplaincies, university chaplaincies, prison chaplaincies, the religious and consecrated communities, the societies of apostolic life, those with a distinctive charism in the church, along with Catholic organisations and charities. The work being undertaken across the Archdiocese during the Synodal process will be done in conjunction with the ongoing implementation of the Diocesan Vision, Unfolding God’s Plan. Join the Synod journey Manage Cookie Preferences