Christmas generosity went into overdrive in Leamington this year.

The SVP (St Vincent de Paul Society) asked parishioners of St Joseph’s Whitnash, Our Lady’s Lillington and St Peter’s Leamington to donate items for Christmas hampers. These are destined for local families and individuals who would benefit greatly from a boost of aid and goodwill during the festive season.

Alongside parishioners’ donations, the amazing support of local businesses has resulted in 80 full-to-bursting hampers being distributed and enough donations are left over to provide bonus follow-up parcels in the New Year.

SVP appeal co-ordinator Richard Gordon was overwhelmed with the response: “In addition to our parishioners we thank Aldi Leamington, Bookers Cash & Carry, The Box Factory, Warwick Gates Co-op, The Deeley Group, Forever Living, Morrisons Leamington, One Stop in Warwick and Whitnash, and The Works whose collaboration has boosted our ability to make a difference to many lives this Christmas.”

Picture captions:

1: Warwick Gates Co-op standing by their corporate mission of sharing their success within the local community, from left to right, Branch Manager Carl Host, Co-op Area Manager Pete O’Shaughnessy and SVP members Brian Malone, Richard Gordon, Jackie Rabone and David Burton.

2: SVP co-ordinator Richard Gordon with Morrisons dedicated Leamington Community Champion Alex Pearson.