About us Safeguarding Safeguarding Update March 2019 Our commitment to improving safeguarding is continuing apace. Andrew Haley is leading improvements as Interim Head of Safeguarding Transformation, and two additional members of staff recently joined the safeguarding team to bolster capacity and provide further expertise. Fiona O’Reilly and Jacqueline Oliver join existing team members Sarah Fullard; Catherine Salt and Sukhy Gill. During the IICSA hearing late last year a number of urgent actions were highlighted. As a result, a thorough review of all safeguarding agreements is now well underway, and a review of all cases post-2016 is almost complete. Cases pre-2016 are also to be examined to ensure the Archdiocese has a detailed case list moving forward. All of this work forms part of a new digital recording system for safeguarding being commissioned. To assure our necessary rapid improvement and ensure best practice, a further independent audit will be commissioned in due course. If you would like to speak to someone about safeguarding and the Church’s work, please call the safeguarding team on 0121 230 6240. We would also like to draw your attention to NAPAC – the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, which exists to support adults who were abused in childhood. They run a free phone support line five days a week, run support groups for survivors (funds permitting) and regularly contribute to the debate about how best to protect our children. The free phone number is 0808 801 0331. Manage Cookie Preferences