On Saturday 3 February, St Chad’s Cathedral hosted the annual Day for Religious, at which religious brothers and sisters from across the Archdiocese renew their commitment to the service of Jesus Christ, Light of the World.

The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley with Fr Justin Karakadu, SDV delivering the Homily. As ever the Mass involved a Nigerian offertory procession and music from the Sorelli Minori at communion.

Eight jubilarians were also celebrated for their lives of service. The jubilarians met with Archbishop Bernard ahead of the Mass and shared their vocation stories. Of those in attendance they have so far given 270 years of dedicated service.

After Mass the guests enjoyed lunch before guest speaker, Austen Ivereigh, spoke to the gathering.

Dr Ivereigh is a journalist, author, commentator and biographer of Pope Francis.

He was one of the theological advisors at last year’s Synod in Rome and is a close friend of Pope Francis. He has written several biographical books about the Holy Father.

Dr Ivereigh is also a former deputy editor of The Tablet and a founder of the media project Catholic Voices. 

During his talk Dr Ivereigh discussed his role at the Synod and ‘why synodality at this moment?’ He touched on the crisis/collapse in vocations and outlined ‘the coming era of Christianity is going to look very different’.

He shared with the audience that ‘Synod is about a spiritual conversion’ and we are ‘in transition to a new era’ and embarking on a ‘transformation of culture’.

Dr Ivereigh referenced the words of Pope Francis that we ‘must rediscover the word ‘together’’…we are ‘listening, hearing and feeling the voice of the Spirit’…we are ‘a Church that embraces everyone’.

Those celebrating Silver Jubilees
Sr Maris Stella Igwe, DDL
Sr Loretto Okwaji, DDL
Sr Ewa Pliszczak SSpS
Sr Roseline Ezeifo, DDL 

Golden Jubilees
Sr Pauline Myres, SP

Diamond Jubilees
Sr Marie Joynes, SP
Sr Therese Browne, SP
Sr Christine of St John the Divine who is an Anglican Religious

Main photograph: Jubilarians pictured with Archbishop Bernard Longley, and Fr Gary Buckby and Sister Una Coogan, Episcopal Vicars for Religious.

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Mass for Religious 2024

Watch! A Nigerian offertory procession by religious Sisters from across the Archdiocese at today's Mass