Recruitment is now open for those looking to study with the Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (HIRS), the only ecclesial institute of this kind in the English-speaking world. 

Maryvale HIRS operates both the BDiv and Licence Programmes, theology qualifications recognised by the Holy See.

The current academic year (2023/24) saw the largest number of students at HIRS. It is hoped the next academic year will be just as successful, if not more.

The Ecclesiastical BDiv is a five-year, part-time, collaborative-learning degree programme in Catholic theology providing a comprehensive exposition and analysis of Christian doctrine based on the study of the sacred Scriptures, the works of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the documents of the Magisterium. (One option is aimed at Permanent Deacons).

The Ecclesiastical Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences is another qualification of the Holy See, distinct from an STL, it is a three-year, part-time, programme aimed at those in leadership positions in catechetics and in other positions of responsibility.

Both programmes are important for formation and catechesis within the Archdiocese of Birmingham and beyond.

If you would like to find out more please take a look at the course brochures (link to):

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme

Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity Programme: Oscott Diaconal Pathway

Ecclesiastical Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences Programme

Flyer - Download, print, display

If you wish to speak to admissions tutor, Dr Harry Schnitker, about any questions you may have, please email him at: [email protected] 

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