In a letter communicated to the Bishop of Plymouth, Bishop Mark O’Toole, from the Secretary of State at the Vatican, Pope Francis has expressed his spiritual closeness to those affected by the shootings in Plymouth and imparts his Blessing to all concerned.

The message has been communicated directly to the bereaved families.

A copy of the letter is below.

Full letter

The Right Reverend Mark O’Toole, Bishop of Plymouth 

Saddened to learn of last Thursday’s shooting in Plymouth, his Holiness Pope Francis asks you kindly to convey to those affected the assurance of his spiritual closeness.  He joins you in commending the souls of those who died to Almighty God’s loving mercy and he implores the divine gifts of healing and consolation upon the injured and bereaved. With prayers that Christ the Redeemer will grant to all the strength to renounce violence and to overcome every evil with good (CF. ROM. 12:21),  His Holiness cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing. 

Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Secretary of State 

I avail of this opportunity to assure you of my very best wishes and warm personal regards, while remaining 

Yours in Christ

Cardinal Pietro Parolin