St Thomas' Catholic Primary School in Tean, Staffordshire, is celebrating success in its recent Catholic School inspection.

The school has been judged to be 'Outstanding' in all three areas of the inspection framework which are: Catholic life and Mission, Collective Worship and Religious Education.

Principal, Sarah Baxter, said: "We are absolutely delighted with this result as it is truly reflective of the wonderful school community that we are blessed with at St Thomas's. The Inspectors were overwhelmed at the level of knowledge and understanding that our children have about the Catholic faith and its centrality to our school life.

"They commented that 'The school’s mission statement is fully understood and lived out by the whole school community. Pupils readily give examples of how they fulfil it in their daily lives'.

"Thank you to the children for being wonderful as always, the staff, governors and directors for their unwavering support and to parents/carers/grandparents for the support that you provide for both your children and St Thomas'!

"The report reflects the wonderful relationships that exist in our very happy school!"

Photograph: Mrs Baxter (Principal), Mrs Gidman (Vice Principal/RE Lead) with Ella, Tabitha, Buddy and Mylo.

St Thomas' Catholic Primary School