The latest series to aid our Catholic faith journey has been launched and starts on Ash Wednesday (22 February).

Chris Noonan, a parishioner at All Souls in Coventry, is behind ‘Mustard Seeds’, a visual educational resource.

The journey through Lent towards the joyful celebration of Easter Day offers a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on our faith, give thanks for Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and deepen our relationship with God.

The latest series from Mustard Seeds contains eight videos exploring key dates and themes around Lent. Topics include the meaning of Ash Wednesday, the significance of the 40 Days and an insight into the important Catholic devotion of the Stations of the Cross.

To help students gain a full understanding of the significance of Holy Week there are videos discussing Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and finishing with Easter Day itself.

“It's so important that our young people develop a full understanding of this significant time of year as part of their Catholic formation to ensure that they have the best possible chance of developing a deep and loving relationship with Jesus,” said Chris.

“These engaging, beautifully produced short videos contain key insights from Archbishop Bernard Longley and cathedral dean Monsignor Timothy Menezes - using Biblical references to plot the key events that unfolded around Holy Week and revealing the joy, hope and encouragement found in this liturgical season.”

Each video lasts around 7-8 minutes and would be appropriate to use with Year 5 through to Year 9.

The series also includes eight short reflection/worship videos from Jo Boyce of CJM Music - one to accompany each episode of the Mustard Seeds series.

Eight-part series on the Season of Lent:

Release date, Wednesday 1 February, early bird discount for pre-orders.

Ep 1. Ash Wednesday
Ep 2. 40 Days
Ep 3. Stations of the Cross
Ep 4. Palm Sunday
Ep 5. Maundy Thursday
Ep 6. Good Friday
Ep 7. Holy Saturday
Ep 8. Easter Day

Season of Lent video series