Deacons from across the Archdiocese gathered on Saturday 8 June - the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - for their annual Mass, which was celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley.

He was supported during the Mass by Deacon Phil Bracken, who was ordained last year, and Deacon Gary O’Brien. The Servers were drawn from the 15 men who are in Formation for the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese.

His Grace opened his Homily with: "It is very fitting that we come together to celebrate this Mass of thanksgiving and re-commitment on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  The heart of Mary in her loving concern for others is a reflection of the Sacred Heart of her son in its capacity to pour out mercy and forgiveness on the world. So also the heart of the deacon is invited to reflect the compassion of Christ for those he sends us to serve." 

Read Homily in full or watch below

This special Mass brings together Permanent Deacons, their wives and families, to celebrate their ministry and renew the promises of faithful service they made at ordination.

As part of the service Archbishop Bernard led the Renewal of Commitment to Diaconal Service - inviting the deacons to renew their own dedication.

There are approximately 90 Permanent Deacons across the Archdiocese, with around 60 active in ministry, and they all play a vital role within the Diocesan family and the communities they serve.

Permanent deacons are mature men, aged 35 or over, married or celibate, who by virtue of their ordination are members of the clergy. The word 'deacon' means servant. Their ministry is one of service to the Church, and with the Church to the world, with a special concern of the poor and marginalised. The majority are in secular employment or retired.

Deacons are ordained to the ministry of service, which from the early days of the Church has been characteristically associated with the service of those in need in society. The diaconate as a permanent Order in the Church was restored following the Second Vatican Council, and the ministry of the deacon must always respond to the needs of his time and place.

Find out more about becoming a Deacon

Photo Album by Con McHugh

Mass of Renewal for Deacons 2024