Please pray for all communicators on World Communications Day, Sunday 21 May, particularly for those who are responsible for communicating on behalf of the Catholic Church in this country.

In a letter Bishop John Arnold, Lead Bishop for Communications, writes:

This year’s World Communications Day is celebrated on Sunday, 21 May 2023. The theme comes from Ephesians 4:15, Speaking with the heart - 'The truth in love'. In his message to mark the day, Pope Francis stresses the need to listen before speaking truth with a pure heart to "see beyond appearances and overcome the vague din which, in the field of information, does not help us discern in the complicated world in which we live."

The Holy Father, warning against indifference and indignation, hails the example of the great Doctor of the Church, St Francis de Sales, in particular his commitment to patient, heartfelt dialogue. A gifted theologian, his phrase 'Heart speaks to heart' inspired many, none more so than the recently canonised Saint John Henry Newman, who chose the phrase as his cardinalatial motto, 'Cor ad cor loquitur'. Catholics in England and Wales will remember with affection that ‘Heart speaks unto heart’ was also the theme for Pope Benedict XVI’s historic visit to the UK in 2010.

Resources and Prayers

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) has provided information, resources and prayers for World Communications Sunday:

World Communications Sunday Resources

Pope Francis' Message

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 57th World Day of Social Communications

Speaking with the heart
“The truth in love” (Eph 4:15)

Read the Pope's Communications Message

There will also be a second collection on World Communications Sunday to support the work of communications at national level.

Communications Offices

The communications office of the Bishops’ Conference supports the bishops, in their witness and engagement with current issues, and the Church more widely in promoting the Gospel through digital, social, print and broadcast media.

The office is the central point for media enquiries and is a key resource for national and international media professionals. It also plays an important role in developing the public profile of the Church through word and image.

The Archdiocese of Birmingham has its own dedicated communications team.

Caroline Bletso and Faye Fawcett, overseen by Deacon Paul O'Connor, are on hand to help with all communication matters.

They can be contacted on 0121 230 6286 or via [email protected]