On Saturday 9 September talented fibre artist Mahawa Keita led a creative ribbon workshop which responded to recent LOUDfence initiatives at St Chad's Cathedral and Birmingham Cathedral St Philip's.

The ribbons, which were originally dedicated and placed on the railings at both cathedrals, as a sign of solidarity with those who have suffered abuse, were used to create a memorable piece of art.

Mahawa opened the workshop by talking about how the weaving of ribbons symbolises connection and the flowers symbolise care, and how we can all personalise our weaving to tell the story and show how we care, as a community.

Attendees created elements of what will be a larger piece in recognition and support of those who have experienced abuse.

This joint event brought together many organisations to support abuse survivors including LOUDfence, Archdiocese of Birmingham and the Birmingham Anglican Cathedral.

About Mahawa Keita

Born in Dakar capital city of Senegal, Mahawa moved to her mother's village Gunjur, in The Gambia after the sudden death of her father. She started trading to make ends meet and to help pay her school fees.

Her first crafts were toys for the local children, using materials she could find

Mahawa relocated to the UK over 10 year ago where she has pursued a career in the textile industry, learning advanced constructive textile techniques such as machine knitting and embroidery techniques and gold work. She is also skilled in Sewing, Macrame, Pattern cutting, Project drafting, Textile art Concept Development and CAD design(photoshop).

Find out more about Mahawa and her work.

Find out more about LOUDfence at St Chad’s Cathedral here:

LOUDfence at St Chad's