From Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

We welcome the decision by the Education Secretary to lift the 50% cap on admissions for new free schools in England, and to allow Catholic special academies. The decision is subject to a consultation which closes on 20 June. It is important that there is a strong response to the consultation.

For the past 14 years the Church has been making the case to remove the 50% cap on school admissions which has had a disproportionate effect on Catholic school provision. The Government has at last announced the lifting of the Cap, subject to the outcome of a consultation. The proposals will also allow the Catholic Church to establish special academies alongside our existing special schools.

It is essential that there is a strong response to this consultation, so that the Church can continue to play its part in the provision of schools in all parts of the education sector on an equal footing with other groups. We therefore encourage as many people as possible to respond positively to this consultation.

Catholic schools are more diverse than any other type of school. Even with higher levels of pupil deprivation, they achieve better results. Removal of the cap will help to sustain that diversity in the longer term.

We encourage Catholics in England and Wales to respond positively to this consultation

Respond to the faith-based admissions cap consultation