The Fourth Sunday of Easter is Vocations Sunday (also known as Good Shepherd Sunday). It is the 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

In Scripture, we hear of Jesus, the shepherd who calls each of us to follow him. We ask to discern our own mission from Christ, and we pray in particular this weekend that those whom He calls to serve us as priests and deacons will hear and answer that call.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has released a Message for Vocations Sunday and Archbishop Bernard Longley has also issued a Pastoral Letter to be read out at Masses.

The National Office for Vocation will also be live streaming the Rosary on Vocations Sunday at 7pm. Deacon Owen Gresty, Diocesan Promoter for Vocations for the Archdiocese of Birmingham, will be leading one of the decades. Watch here

The concept of Vocation – the God who calls us – is the business of the whole Christian people, from our baptism to our earthly death.

Vocations can include specific roles within the church: priesthood, the permanent diaconate, religious life. There are also those opportunities for Christian service which arise within marriage, the single life, and widowhood; at our work, in the home, and the local parish.

We encourage all to pray for Vocations using the Diocesan Prayer for Vocations (below).

The second collection at Masses this weekend is to support the Clergy Training Fund (CTF).

The CTF exists to pay for the formation of the future priests and permanent deacons for the Archdiocese of Birmingham.

It costs approximately £200,000 over seven years of formation for one new priest (£25,000 - £30,000 per seminiarian each year). This is a substantial amount of money, but it is essential because it covers seminary fees, living costs, travel and study materials.

We rely solely on your generosity. Anything you can give - whether big or small - will help to provide future priests and deacons for our parishes.

Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father,
we ask you to send labourers
into your harvest.

Inspire, in the hearts of your people,
vocations to the priesthood, diaconate
and religious life.

Bless our families with a spirit of generosity,
so that those whom you call
have the courage to give themselves
to your Church in faith.

Through Christ our Lord.


The Bishops' Conference of England and Wales have prepared various resources for Vocations Sunday. They can be accessed here