Latest News Launch of the 'Time4Change' Birmingham Charter News from Birmingham Churches Together The 'Time4Change' network of leaders drawn from Birmingham's historic Churches, Black-Majority Churches and new Churches is pleased to announce the launch of the Birmingham Charter, which directly addresses racism in the Church, the community and the country. The launch will take place online at 7pm on Wednesday 10 March 2021 on the Birmingham City Leaders' Prayer YouTube and Facebook channels. The Time4Change leaders have been meeting since the summer of 2020 to respond to ongoing racial injustices and inequalities as perceived by members of Birmingham's BAME communities (including the Christians in those communities). The meetings have helped to build good relationships between the leaders involved. During the late autumn, the group developed an 'Anti-Racism Charter,' which now features at the heart of a new Time4Change website Many of Birmingham's senior Christian leaders are putting their names to the Charter. The number includes Archbishop Bernard Longley (Archdiocese of Birmingham), Bishops Donald Bolt and Deverton Douglas (New Testament Church of God), Revd Ian Howarth (Chair of the Birmingham Methodist District), Revds Kate Coleman and Cham Kaur Mann (Next Leadership), Lieutenant-Colonel JP Ramos (Commander of the Salvation Army's West Midlands Division), Bishop Tedroy Powell (Church of God of Prophecy) and Revd Steve Faber (Moderator of the West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church). The list of signatories grows by the day. Next Wednesday's official online launch event will feature several Christian leaders, some of them appearing in pre-recorded videos and some streaming live. It is set to be an event of great significance with lasting impact. Watch the launch on the 'Birmingham City Leaders' Prayer' YouTube channel or Facebook page DOWNLOAD The Time4Change Charter Manage Cookie Preferences