WATCH! Jasmine from the KYT team talks about the beatification of Blessed Carlo Acutis

Jasmine is a Mission Team Volunteer at Soli, in the Staffordshire Moorlands. Jasmine is originally from the Diocese of Northampton - the parish of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas of Canterbury. 

KYT (Kenelm Youth Trust) issued the video after Pope Francis cleared the path for the canonisation of Blessed Carlo by officially recognising a second miracle attributed to him. 

In his short life, Blessed Carlo was able to gather as much information as he could about Eucharistic Miracles throughout the ages. He put together a website, an exhibition of these stories to encourage people to believe in the Real Presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

Back in Advent 2021, Charlotte Carver and Anne Harris from St Wulstan's Church in Little Malvern, discussed the inspirational teenager in the 'My Favourite Saint' feature of the Sower magazine.

In our Archdiocese

The parish of Blessed Carlo Acutis, which incorporates the churches of St Peter & Paul, St Michael and St Bernadette in Wolverhampton, was founded in December 2020.

Parish Prayer
O God, our Father, thank you for giving us Carlo,
a model of life for young people,
and a message of love for all.
His love for your Son, Jesus, in the Eucharist,
was his source of strength and his ‘highway to heaven’.
You gave him Mary, as beloved Mother,
and through the Rosary
he sang the praises of her tenderness.
Help us to imitate him by confirming our faith,
nurturing our hope
and strengthening our charity.
Accept his prayer for us.
Look above all upon the poor,
whom he loved and assisted
and through his intercession, may our parish become
a vibrant community of missionary disciples,
dedicated to the fruitful building of your Kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,

Visit Parish website

News from Catholic Bishops' Conference

Bishop Nicholas Hudson has celebrated the news that Blessed Carlo Acutis, the London-born 15-year-old who died of leukaemia in 2006, will be declared the Church’s first millennial saint.

Read news story

Main photograph courtesy of the Bishops' Conference