Good Shepherd Appeal leaves the classroom Father Hudson’s Care is pleased to announce that their annual Good Shepherd Appeal has a new look for 2021. Launching on 22 February, the Lenten appeal is leaving the classroom thanks to a host of new digital resources. In previous years, schools have been able to book an assembly with one of two School Engagement Officers, who visit the school to talk to children about the work of Father Hudson’s Care and how they can get involved in the appeal. This year, they have recorded their presentations for schools to access wherever they are. We have also developed a range of educational materials, each focusing on a different area of our work. Each week, the charity will publish additional resources to complement the materials and share the story of our work in different sectors. Incorporating photos, videos, case studies and more, the weekly resources will be released on their social media channels. For those wishing to support the appeal, you can download a variety of fundraising resources. These include ideas for fundraising at home and at school, posters, stickers and much more. You will also find a Stations of the Cross resource to help children reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross. On Ash Wednesday, CEO Andy Quinn was invited to speak at Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral. He spoke about the acts of love that can be seen throughout the charity’s seventeen projects, and invited people to use Lent as an opportunity to learn more about how these projects reach out to groups across the Archdiocese. Each of the weekly themes will showcase these acts of love in action. As fundraising may be difficult this term as so many pupils are not in school, Father Hudson’s will be supporting fundraising events into the summer term as well as introducing a new Walk A Mile event. If you would like to take part in the Good Shepherd Appeal, or wish to hear more about the new Walk a Mile event, please contact [email protected]. Father Hudson's Care Manage Cookie Preferences