Emergency grant for St Mary and St Egwin Catholic Church With thanks to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, St Mary and St Egwin Catholic Church can realise its vision to carry out urgent repair works to the exterior of the building at a cost of £236,000. Thus securing this Grade II listed, iconic stone-built church of 1911-12, for future generations. Parishioner Jim McArdle, who was part of the team to put the funding bid together, said: “It was with great excitement that we recently discovered the award of substantial funding for the necessary repairs to the exterior of our church. "I have been a parishioner for over 40 years and whilst some repair work has been carried out over that time, it has no way enabled us to undertake a major refurbishment of this nature. "This is a real boost to our parish, using National Heritage Lottery Funding, which will be put to good use. Thank you for the award.” As part of the project a programme of activities will start during August and run through until May 2021. This will include hard-hat tours and the chance to learn about the conservation of the church first hand. A new parish website and interpretation is also planned for next year. If you wish to get involved, or want to find out more, please contact our Heritage Consultant, Sue Pope, on 07875 377243. Manage Cookie Preferences