Celebrations begin for Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College in Worcester.

It is a time of celebration for all at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College as it celebrates its diamond anniversary year. In September the college will be 60 years old and a series of events have been planned for the coming 12 months.

On Monday 17 July a celebration Mass was held at the school, celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley.

The Mass was attended by pupils and staff, past and present, friends and neighbours of the school. As part of the Mass, pupils participated joyfully through prayer and song.

Earlier in July two parishioners with close links to the college organised a walking pilgrimage around Worcester, in the footsteps of Blessed Edward Oldcorne.

The walk began at the Edgar Tower beside Worcester Cathedral. This is where Blessed Edward Oldcorne was held before his execution on 7th April 1606.

Along the way the walk was paused at various points linked to Blessed Edward Oldcorne, providing opportunities for both prayer and reflection on the life of Blessed Edward and his legacy.

35 students and their families also took part in the walk.

Other events to come include coffee mornings, tree planting and subject related events linked to the 60th anniversary.

Headteacher Greg McClarey said: "e are extremely proud of our school and its close links with local parishes.

"When the school opened in 1963 there were 111 pupils and we have grown over the years and how have 1050 students on our roll.

"We are a school community built on a foundation of faith and witness and we are looking forward to celebrating our diamond anniversary over the next 12 months."