On the afternoon of Sunday 8 December, Christians from all the churches in Leek and District gathered in the town’s Market Square for the Blessing of the Crib.

The present stable and nativity figures were funded from the legacy of Dorothy Barrass in 2017.

All eight leaders of the churches in Leek were present, bringing with them parishioners from all their local communities. This occasion was the first time that there has been a town-wide ecumenical gathering to bless the Crib

A short service of Blessing was given, interspersed with popular Christmas carols.

In his Apostolic Letter, Admirable Signum, Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of establishing a Christmas crib especially, “in the workplace, in schools, hospitals, prisons and town squares.”

On Monday morning, 2 December, while the crib was being built by parishioners from a number of the local Christian communities, both individuals and families admired the figures recalling the birth of Christ and commenting on how helpful the Market Square is in reminding all citizens of God’s love and mercy.

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Leek Crib Blessing 2019