Kind children in Coventry have put together more than 100 Christmas boxes filled with gifts for young people living in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School has collected 112 gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

The campaign, from the charity Samaritan’s Purse, asks people to fill shoeboxes with presents which are then sent to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries who ordinarily would not receive anything on Christmas morning.

Children, staff and parents from the school, which is part of the Romero Catholic Academy, filled and wrapped the boxes, which included everything from toys, stationary, hats and gloves and toiletries.

Charlotte Miller, Vice Principal at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, said: “This year’s appeal has been a huge success, with the whole community getting involved.

“It’s incredible how generous people have been at what can be a very expensive time of the year and demonstrates a true Christmas spirit.

“All of the children have really enjoyed putting the boxes together, and we were able to hold a special Advent assembly where they were shown a video of last year’s boxes being delivered so they could see just how much they mean to the children who receive them.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to the whole of our school community who have supported the campaign.

“To know that we will be helping more than 100 children have a happier Christmas is fantastic.”

Photo 1: Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School pupils Rory, Khloe, Jacob and Olivia with more than 100 boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Photo 2: Khloe and Rory, both aged four, take a look at the Christmas boxes.

Photo 3: Olivia and Jacob, both aged 10, help sort the boxes ready for collection.