Carmel Keane has been awarded the Benemerenti medal from Pope Francis to acknowledge over 20 years of youth work in the parish of Christ the King, Coventry. 

The presentation of the Benemerenti medal – awarded to people for service to the Catholic Church - was made by Canon Tom Farrell on Sunday 9 June at Christ the King. 

Carmel has worked for the Diocesan youth services and has organised many pilgrimages to Lourdes and World Youth Day visits to Australia, Brazil, Spain and Poland. 

She is a KYT (Kenelm Youth Trust) Trustee and long-standing parish youth leader of 26 years at Christ the King.

Carmel is also Acting Head of Department and Head of Catholic Life at Cardinal Newman Catholic School and a School Governor at St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School.

"I feel very proud to receive this award in recognition of the Youth Ministry work I have done over many years!" said Carmel. "To accompany young people on their faith journey is an honour and a privilege.  

"There are so many people that I work closely with that I truly feel that I am accepting this award on behalf of an excellent team of people who are also very dear friends! 

"Thank you to so many people, to my family, head teacher and work colleagues, to Monsignor Tom Farrell, who's support of young people is unwavering, and the parish of Christ the King in Coventry and finally to the countless young people I have met over the years and for all the adventures along the way, I really have had the best time!"

Photo Gallery by Con McHugh

Presentation of Benemerenti Medal to Carmel Keane at Christ the King Coventry

Photographs of Carmel with her family

Watch! The Presentation at Christ the King