A Coventry school has held a day of celebrations to mark its 60th anniversary.

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, part of the Romero Catholic Academy, has hosted a special event to mark the milestone.

The school welcomed The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, the Archbishop of Birmingham, who held a Mass for children, staff and governors as well as colleagues from across the Academy.

He also blessed the school’s new sensory garden which was created in memory of learning mentor Carole Flynn, who passed away last year.

Tours of the school were held and everyone was treated to an ice cream.

Corpus Christi Principal, Kevin Shakespeare, said: “We had a fantastic time celebrating the school’s 60th anniversary.

“It was excellent to welcome the Archbishop - it’s the first time he’s visited Corpus Christi so it was nice that he not only led a Mass, but had the opportunity to tour the school to see some of our outstanding facilities.

“We also welcomed our new Parish Priest, Father Stephen Fawcett, who joined us for the celebrations.

“The children really enjoyed the day and the brilliant weather meant they were able to enjoy their ice creams in the sunshine.

“We will be continuing our 60th anniversary celebrations into next year, culminating in a series of events in June when we hope Covid restrictions allow us to welcome the whole school community.”

Patrick Taggart, Director of Operations at the Romero Catholic Academy, said: “It was a very special day for the school and celebrated so many outstanding things that the school has done for its pupils and community over the past 60 years.

“The school and parish have been a bedrock for the community and offer an amazing learning environment for its staff and pupils.

“Community engagement continues to thrive via the school’s new floodlit 3G pitch which provides first class facilities to more than ten local sports clubs per week.”


1 – Children from Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School take part in a special Mass to celebrate the milestone.

2 – The Most Reverend Bernard Longley, the Archbishop of Birmingham, (centre) joins Zoe Pollard, Kevin Shakespeare, Jenny Cortese and Zara Flynn, of Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School.