Latest News Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines Full Closure of Catholic Churches Following the Prime Minister’s historic announcement last night (23 March 2020) strengthening restrictions in an attempt to combat the spread of COVID-19, Catholic Churches are closed to the public at this time. Cardinal Vincent Nichols stresses that we must all play our part to safeguard the NHS and to save ‘precious lives’. “We’re going to play our full part in it. That was the call of St. Paul that we ought to be good citizens and today we ought to be good citizens playing our part in the protection of the vulnerable, in our support for the NHS and in the preserving of human life, which is so precious to God in the face of this virus.” Message from Archbishop Bernard (18 March) The Pope Video #PrayForTheWorld Live Masses and resources online If you are self isolating or you are ill, you can still access Masses online. Several of our parishes have cameras which enable them to live stream their Masses, giving you options if you cannot get into church yourself. We are compiling resources for Catholics to access live streaming of Masses, prayers and resources at home. Parishes Online Manage Cookie Preferences