A 150th anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving and Dedication of the Church at Weston in Arden has taken place.

Yesterday, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Bulkington, and St Francis of Assisi, Bedworth, celebrated the occasion.

The Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Reverend Bernard Longley, was the Chief Celebrant and was joined by the Parish Priest and Dean of Rugby, Fr Michael Gamble, along with other Priests of the Deanery and Archdiocese, invited guests and parishioners.

The relics placed in the Altar as part of the ceremony of Dedication were of St Francis of Assisi, St Francis de Sales, St Clare and St Jane de Chantel.

“This beautiful and moving ceremony was rich in symbolism and was a very important moment in the life of this Parish, 1869-2019,” said Fr Michael.

“Let us remember that this building is a gathering place for God’s holy people, where everyone is welcome.”

The Archbishop presented the Diocesan Ubi Caritas Award to four parishioners: Mrs Marlene Lawlor - organist; Mrs Janet Cooper, President of the Parish Union of Catholic Mothers, and Mr and Mrs Alexander, for their dedication and hard work over many years.

Following the Mass there was a celebration buffet for all.

Photo Gallery by Con McHugh

Our Lady of The Sacred Heart 150th Celebration