On Sunday 2 June 2024 parishes across the Archdiocese celebrated Corpus Christi.

As we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ we gave thanks for this most precious gift from God, the Holy Eucharist, Jesus’ abiding and substantial presence with us, veiled beneath the appearance of bread and wine.

A number of processions took place at parishes across the Archdiocese, offering an opportunity to witness to our faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

This included the annual procession from St Michael’s, Moor Street, to St Chad’s Cathedral. It took place after Mass at St Michael’s, celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Longley.

The procession attracted hundreds of participants. Glorious sunshine accompanied the procession as it moved through the city centre and concluded with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at the cathedral.

Archbishop Bernard, along with several other Clergy and representatives from Religious Orders, were involved in the procession, which saw petals scattered along the route.

Those gathered stopped for prayer along the route and were joyous in their singing.

The afternoon event was organised by the Polish community of St Michael’s, in conjunction with the cathedral.

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Watch! Start of the Procession

Watch! End of the Procession