On Thursday 1 February 2024 a very special Thursday Live Organ Recital was hosted at St Chad's Cathedral.

It marked the 30th anniversary of the Walker organ and featured performances by regular organists David Saint, Paul Carr, Nigel Morris and John Pryer.

The organ was installed as part of the Cathedral’s 150th anniversary restoration.

The organ is the work of J. W. Walker & Sons, who were commissioned to build it at the end of 1990. The case and gallery were designed by David Graebe in late medieval style, with decoration by Gordon Foster.

The instrument has featured on recordings by David Saint, Henry Fairs and Paul Carr and been broadcast on Radio 3.

It has also been used extensively for teaching and masterclasses, and has been a particular inspiration for young organists at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

The organ is considered to be one of the finest modern instruments in the country.

Featured Programme:

Louis Marchand (1669-1732)
Dialogue (3me Livre 1696)

J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor BWV 582

César Franck (1822–1890)
Choral no. 3 in A minor

Lionel Rogg (b.1936)
La Femme et le Dragon: La Cité Céleste

Jan Zwart (1877-1937)
Toccata Psalm 146

John Pryer
Improvisation on the Lloyd organ

Marcel Dupré (1886–1971)
Sept Pièces: Final

Photo Gallery

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Walker Organ