Latest News Catholic life at BWH is ‘outstanding’: it’s official! Blessed William Howard Catholic High School, Stafford, is delighted to share the fantastic news that, in their recent OFSTED Section 48 Inspection – an additional inspection for schools with a religious character – the school was judged to be ‘outstanding’ for both the Catholic Life of the school and Collective Worship, together with a ‘good’ rating for provision in Religious Education. Inspectors were hugely impressed with the ethos and standards at Blessed William Howard, with findings in the report offering high praise to the students, staff and leadership of the school: • ‘Pupils are acutely aware of their responsibility to contribute to the common good. They respond well when challenged to turn gospel values into practical action.’ • ‘The level of pastoral care afforded to every community member is very high.’ • ‘Governors are well-skilled and highly committed to ensuring that actions taken to further develop Catholic Life, Religious Education & Collective Worship are effective.’ • ‘Teachers of Religious Education have an intricate knowledge of their pupils’ abilities and plan accordingly to meet their needs.’ Karl Brown, Principal at Blessed William Howard, said: "This is a tremendous outcome for our school which truly reflects the progress that we continue to make. "Many comments from parents praise our Catholic ethos as a key strength that sets us apart from other schools in the area and to have this formal recognition of our achievements is something that the whole school community is rightly very proud of." Blessed William Howard website Manage Cookie Preferences