By Józef Łopuszyński

St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham, was the venue for the fourth in a series of special Stella Maris (Star of the Sea) Masses taking place around Britain’s “port” cathedrals and churches to thank God for the work of the Apostleship of the Sea and to pray for the welfare of seafarers.  

The Apostleship of the Sea is the fully recognised worldwide Catholic organisation for which a collection is made throughout Britain each year to support the work done by them in supporting seafarers when in port, arranging Masses for them where possible, and giving general pastoral care.

Many of the mariners spend many months at sea, away from their homes, and without having the opportunity of attending Mass, etc., and so the help given by the AoS is of very important.

At the invitation of His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley, this is the first time that the Birmingham Cathedral the Mass of “Our Blessed Virgin Mary Stella Maris” for the AoS.  Birmingham may not be a port, but the AoS has many supporters living within the Archdiocese.

Apostleship of the Sea National Director Martin Foley said, “We were delighted to celebrate our first Stella Maris Mass in the Archdiocese of Birmingham and would like to thank Archbishop Bernard and the Cathedral Dean, Canon Gerry Breen, for their hospitality.”

“The Archdiocese of Birmingham has always been a very generous supporter of the work of AoS so it was wonderful to have the opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to our supporters and those priests who have served as Apostleship of the Sea cruise chaplains in the diocese.”

For more details about the AoS, please visit or contact 020 7901 1931.