Two SVP Mini Vinnies at St Peter’s Church have scooped a national award for their efforts to support the local community.

Rebecca and Daniel Sheridan have been awarded the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Award from the Catholic charity, Million Minutes.

The inspirational brother and sister were nominated by Teresa Kehoe, parish catechist and Vincentian Coordinator, because of their ongoing support of those in need throughout the pandemic.

Rebecca and Daniel organised an ongoing food and essential toiletries collection for Catshill Food Bank, grew fresh vegetables for the needy on Teresa's allotment and created cards and kind messages for the lonely.

Rebecca also wrote a birthday list worthy of Bl Pier Giorgio himself as she surprised her mum by asking for items to make sandwiches for the homeless.

Teresa said: “We are very proud of our young parishioners! Well done Rebecca and Daniel from us all!”

Daisy Srblin, CEO of Million Minutes, said: “Becky and Dan represent the very best of our Church, spreading care and compassion across their community, especially to those who are so often forgotten: those who are vulnerable, poor and homeless.

“Pope Francis has called for us to build a ‘Church with open doors’, and that’s exactly what Becky and Dan are doing through their selfless acts of kindness. Such actions are more important than ever if we are to create a more just and equitable post-pandemic world.

“May we be inspired by Becky and Dan’s example to apply the gifts of Catholic Social Teaching, particularly the ‘preferential option for the poor’, in our own communities.”

The Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Award celebrates and recognises inspirational young people across the country who are making the world around us a better place, ultimately contributing to the common good.

Pier Giorgio Frassati was a young Italian man who devoted his life to social action, charity, prayer and the local community in Turin in northern Italy. Giving up his spare time to look after the poor, sick and needy Bl Pier Giorgio was an SVP member living a life of charity in action.

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