Archbishop blesses new school facilities Archbishop Bernard administered a blessing to some much-needed new buildings at St John Fisher Catholic College in Newcastle-under-Lyme on last week. The Romero building was built to replace 14 extremely dilapidated mobile classrooms, some of which had been on site since 1988. The £2.2 million project was funded through a successful CIF bid to the ESFA. The funding for the build did not extend to furniture and we are extremely blessed to have parents, parishioners and governors who helped us to fundraise. The Romero building is occupied by the RE and English Faculties, in addition to the Sixth Form study area. The name of the building was chosen because the tagline for the school year in which the build started, was Archbishop Romero's quote "Aspire not to have more but to be more". Headteacher Theresa Madden said: "The Romero building is a wonderful addition to our school which provides a learning environment fit for the 21st century." Stoke Sentinel article Photo Gallery Manage Cookie Preferences