The 10th World Meeting of Families takes place in Rome from Wednesday 22 to Sunday 26 June and you can join the conference virtually via the website below and downloading the app on your phone or pc.

World Meeting of Families website

The Papal Mass is on Saturday 25 June at 5.15pm (Rome) and the conference concludes with the Angelus and mandate for families on Sunday 26 June at 11.45am (Rome).

Full programme

The theme for the 10th World Meeting of Families is Family Love: a vocation and a path to Holiness.

Parishes across the Archdiocese are encouraged to celebrate 'Rome at Home' 

This document gives an overview of some starting points for the World Meeting and ways to get involved:

1 Share the prayer card (below) with family and friends. Encourage them to list all those (past and present) they will hold in prayer on the back of the card, place it on the mantlepiece or fridge so it is always visible

2 Publish the prayer in your newsletter, and share on all your social media platforms using #rome@home

3 Have a petition box on the sanctuary throughout the week (label below) and invite all to submit petitions

4 Plan to host a parish picnic to celebrate the joy of family life that coincides with the closing of WMOF and stream the Angelus on the Sunday and listen to the message from Pope Francis

5 Use the catechetical resources to devise ways of developing family ministry in your parish

Through creative local initiatives across dioceses and live streaming this is a truly global digital event.

Among other things, the World Meeting is part of the current synodal journey of the Church and will provide a valuable experience of 'participation, communion and mission' for our families.

Please use the hashtags #WMOF22 #rome@home in your social media posts.

For further information please contact Lianne Pap, Diocesan Marriage and Family Life Coordinator: [email protected]

WMOF Resources

Petition Box

Prayer written in collaboration with marriage and family life coordinators

Official WMOF Prayer Card

Official WMOF website

School Assembly resources - Celebrating Family Love

Amoris Laetitia – A Pastoral Approach

As a way of exploring the Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, a series of 10 videos, with accompanying guides has been produced as part of the preparation for the 10th World Meeting of Families that the global Church is invited to participate in and celebrate together.

The collection of videos journey through each chapter of the document and it is hoped they can provide a framework and begin conversations in all areas of family ministry. Pope Francis encourages us to rediscover the value and beauty of marriage and family life in the Church and in society.

We are invited to make known the pastoral richness of Amoris Laetitia:

It is not enough, in fact, for pastors and pastoral workers to give it “a hasty general reading”:
rather, it is desirable that, together with families, they patiently delve into one part after
another, seeking in it what they will need in each concrete circumstance. (AL 7)

Each video comes with a printable guide that can be used by parishes, groups and families as part of any ongoing formation as well as reflection and prayer in the family.

Video 1 – Walking Together

DOWNLOAD video 1 guide - Walking Together

Video 2 – The Family in the light of the Word of God

DOWNLOAD video 2 guide - The Family in the light of the Word of God

Video 3 – The Vocation of the family

DOWNLOAD video 3 guide - The Vocation of the Family

Video 4 – Love in marriage

DOWNLOAD video 4 guide - Love in Marriage

Video 5 – The foreverness and beauty of love

DOWNLOAD video 5 guide - The 'foreverness' and beauty of love

Video 6 – Fruitful love

DOWNLOAD - video 6 guide - Fruitful Love

Video 7 – Called to an ecclesial mission

DOWNLOAD video 7 guide - Called to an ecclesial mission

Video 8 – Educating children: A call, a challenge, a joy

DOWNLOAD video 8 guide - Educating children: a call, a challenge, a joy

Video 9 – Accompanying weakness

DOWNLOAD video 9 guide - Accompanying weakness

Video 10 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family

DOWNLOAD video 10 guide - The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family


In preparation for the World Meeting, Celebrate have produced a Prayer Station resource to be used in parishes, and it can be used at any time of the year.

Celebrate Prayer Stations

The Prayer Stations have been developed primarily for children to be accompanied by a mix of parents/carers, grandparents, catechists and parishioners, to travel together in small groups from station to station to create an interactive prayer journey.

The content is based on Scripture and Church teaching on the family echoing some of the themes from the World Meeting.

They have been developed to be as engaging and inclusive as possible, and provide discovery and formation elements to evangelise and catechise and help build family and church community.

Online family activity packs that support faith formation in the home are also available.

Online family activity packs

Although free to download Celebrate would be very grateful for any donations to cover the costs of producing the resource.