Mothering Sunday 2021

Some snapshots of mothers over the past year:

The first-time mother giving birth – without all of the usual support systems around her; or the sadness of other situations around the time of birth.

The mother turned teacher for her children at home.

The mother who is a keyworker in any setting risking her own health for the good of her community.

The mother in a nursing home whose children are prevented from visiting.

The mother whose earthly life has come to its end.

On this Mothering Sunday, we give thanks for our mothers:
Take the time to reflect on your earliest memories of your mother’s love; times where she was there for you in joy or in sorrow.
Think of the traits and values of your own life that you received from your mother – and even the things you find yourself saying which you realise are her words that you never imagined you would say!
Thank God for her wisdom.

For mothers: treasure and cherish the gift of life that you have nurtured.
Ask God’s blessing each day on your vocation which never ends.
Recognise the ways in which you co-operate with God in his plan for creation.

Today, we pray for those for whom this day is painful:
Mothers whose children are in difficulty;
Those who have wished for children of their own;
Those who have known bereavement of a child or of a mother.

We belong to the family of God – on earth and in heaven.
May we trust in God’s care for his family always,
that we may always strengthen the bonds of family here on earth
and merrily meet in his Kingdom of Joy.

Mary of Nazareth,
Icon of Motherhood at Bethlehem;
Refugee in Egypt;
Mother who shaped the life of her son in the family home;
Mother who knew the worries of her son’s childhood;
Disciple who embraced her son on the Way of the Cross;
Faithful Witness who stood at the Foot of the Cross;
Mother who shared in the joy of her son’s resurrection:

Pray for our mothers.

Together with Joseph, Guardian of your son,
be the protector of all who look to you for compassion and strength.
Bless all those who fulfil the role of carer and home-maker.
Hold always in your love generous parents who cannot bear children.

You are Crowned Queen of Heaven
and together with the angels and saints
you are close to the pilgrim people of God.


by Mgr Timothy Menezes, Dean of St Chad's Cathedral