By Mgr Daniel McHugh, the Co-ordinator for Ethnic Chaplaincies in the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Sunday 30 April - the monthly Mass of the Tamil speaking Chaplaincy took place once more in Sacred Heart Church, Bilton, Rugby, where Canon Gerard Murray is Parish Priest.

The people who gathered there are in the main from Tamil Nadu in India and from Sri Lanka.

The Chaplain is Father Arul Samy and he is assisted by a wonderfully active group of young families led by Gilbert Raja.

What a joyful occasion marking Easter and Independence Day (which had been marked by the wider community the week before).

The families came in traditional dress, sang in their own language and played their instruments. It was a beautiful Mass, presided over by Father Arul, and incorporating elements of Tamil culture.

After Mass came the social time with music, dance and sketches, followed by a beautiful meal, and special presentations showing their appreciation of Diocesan support for the special chaplaincy provision, which keeps people strong in their Faith.

The selection of pictures give an indication of the joy and a flavour of the culture that marked the occasion.

Photo Gallery

Monthly Mass of the Tamil speaking Chaplaincy, April 2023

Ethnic Chaplaincies in our Archdiocese