Historic Churches Committee / Art & Architecture Committee The Historic Churches Committee is responsible for making decisions on applications for listed building consent for churches in the Archdiocese that are listed buildings in accordance with the Ecclesiastical Exemption. Faculty Approval is required for all works to churches and other buildings used for parish/church purposes (excluding presbyteries) except for the most minor of like-for-like repairs. The committee meets on the third Thursday of January, March, May, July, September and November and encourages those who submit applications to attend. For further advice contact Deacon Paul O'Connor at [email protected] HCC1 Application Form The Art & Architecture Committee is responsible for making decisions on applications from non-listed churches for the same types of works as the HCC for listed churches. All but minor repairs requires approval and the AAC meets on the same days as the HCC. Deacon Paul can advise. AAC1 Application Form Is a Faculty application required? document Manage Cookie Preferences