Supporting parishes and diocesan projects to access funding through grants, trusts and other income generation.

Kevin Baugh is the Funding Officer.

How can we help your parish?

It is our role to support parishes across the whole of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. We are paid for through the Parish Levy, so come at no extra cost to you. We can support you in a number of ways including:

  • Coming out to meet with you and discuss your ideas.
  • Talking over the phone.
  • Identifying funding opportunities for community projects, and other parish activities.
  • Helping to develop funding plans and strategies.
  • Helping you to develop capital projects in conjunction with specialist advice and support from our property team.
  • Helping with funding applications.
  • Speaking to funders on your behalf.
  • Signposting you to expert advice and supporting with partnership working.
  • Providing training at your parish.
  • Supporting you with legacy stewardship.
  • Supporting to develop regular giving campaigns; and community fundraising.
  • Providing you with a range of resources to help you fundraise for your parish.
  • Make grant applications to fund the VAT element of any works carried out on listed churches.


Contactless Giving Enquiries

We have co-ordinated a pilot exercise for Contactless Giving throughout a number of parishes within the Diocese.

It has now been decided to review the various learning points from this exercise before adding additional parishes to the scheme. Once we have a better understanding of the benefits (and challenges) which Contactless Giving has delivered, we will then put in place a plan for a much wider “roll-out” across the Archdiocese.

In doing this we may look to co-ordinate the operation at Deanery rather than individual parish level, using just one business supplier for the equipment.

If you have any contactless giving enquiries, feel free to send your details to [email protected] but please bear with us for the time being.  As soon as we are in a position to take this forward, we will get in touch.

Project & Grant funding Enquiries

If your enquiry relates to building project or site development funding, please contact the Property Team: [email protected]

For general fundraising enquiries, please contact Kevin Baugh: [email protected]