At half term, Friday 24 February, a group of young people from Hong Kong enjoyed a day out at Harvington Hall, which celebrates 100 years of being in Diocesan ownership this year. The day was arranged by parents in association with Father Bruno, a French Priest, who worked in Hong Kong for many years, speaks Cantonese and understands the culture. Father Bruno was on a visit to support Catholics who have moved to England since China has taken control of the former British Overseas Territory.

It was a great day: the young people were taken round the Hall which was a Centre of faithfulness to the Catholic Church in Reformation times. They saw the famous hiding holes where Priests were kept safe when Mass had to be celebrated in secret. They heard about the times when being a Catholic was outlawed and many people were put to death for their Faith.

It was both, an inspirational visit, hearing about the Martyrs like St John Wall and a time of fun: the parents included experienced youth workers who played a part in Diocesan Youth activities back in Hong Kong, and they organised the games and activities which took place in the afternoon. The lunch was arranged in association with the Malt House Coffee Shop. The day concluded with Mass in the beautiful Georgian Chapel.

Thanks are due to Francis and Louisa who led the Day with other parents and to Nicola Wright, an experienced Headteacher who had led young people’s visits to Harvington before.

The plan of the Ethnic Chaplaincy Hong Kong Council is to continue to arrange special events for young people so that activities with a Spiritual and Faith dimension are provided. This is especially important as a number of them are unable to find places in Catholic Schools.

Harvington Hall

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Young Hongkongers visit to Harvington